Bureau du Québec dans les Provinces atlantiques
GOVERNMENT - GovernmentBUSINESS & PROF. SERVICES - Business AdvisorsEVENTS - Public Speaking
About Us
The BQPA’s mandate is to make Québec known in the four Atlantic provinces and propose and implement measures aimed at enhancing its influence. The BQPA has in-depth knowledge of markets and offers a wide range of consulting services in the economic and commercial fields.
The BQPA reports to the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes in the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, under the authority of the Premier.
Rep/Contact Info
Maud-Andrée Lefebvre
Cheffe de poste
- Phone: (506) 855-9627
- Send an Email
- 777, rue Main, bureau 710 Moncton NB E1C 1E9