Member Directory
Browse through our Member Directory to find local services for all your business needs. Some of our members offer exclusive member-to-member discounts available through our M2M Marketplace.
Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
CAAT Pension Plan
CAAT Pension Plan provides retirement security for Canadians. With DBplus, employers are enhancing employee value propositions, attracting and retaining talent, and emerging as employers of choice.CAAT Pension Plan provides retirement security for Canadians. With DBplus, employers are enhancing employee value propositions, attracting and retaining talent, and emerging as employers of choice.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Nova Scotia - CPHR
Human Resources Professional AssociationHuman Resources Professional Association
Digital Nova Scotia
Digital Nova Scotia (DNS) is the industry association for Nova Scotia’s $3.6 billion ICT and digital technologies sector. Our programs, events, and opportunities enable us to connect our digital commuDigital Nova Scotia (DNS) is the industry association for Nova Scotia’s $3.6 billion ICT and digital technologies sector. Our programs, events, and opportunities enable us to connect our digital commu
Family Business Atlantic
Family Business Atlantic is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate to promote the well-being, understanding and success of family businesses and entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada.Family Business Atlantic is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate to promote the well-being, understanding and success of family businesses and entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada.
Fusion Halifax
Fusion Halifax is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization that believes young leaders are an incredibly valuable part of any community.Fusion Halifax is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization that believes young leaders are an incredibly valuable part of any community.
Halifax Chamber of Commerce
Our membership is 83% small business (25 employees or less) and we are proud to offer member benefits to over 65,000 employees in Halifax and beyond.We’re in your corner.
Our membership is 83% small business (25 employees or less) and we are proud to offer member benefits to over 65,000 employees in Halifax and beyond.
We’re in your corner.
Insurance Bureau of Canada
8:30am to 4:30pm – Monday through Friday8:30am to 4:30pm – Monday through Friday
JA Nova Scotia
Financial Health, Entrepreneurship, Work Readiness, In-school, After-School Programs, Company Program, #Adulting, Economics for Success, Dollars with Sense, World of Choices, Success Skills, Job ShadoFinancial Health, Entrepreneurship, Work Readiness, In-school, After-School Programs, Company Program, #Adulting, Economics for Success, Dollars with Sense, World of Choices, Success Skills, Job Shado
Life Sciences Nova Scotia
Life Sciences Nova Scotia is the organization to fuel your success.Life Sciences Nova Scotia is the organization to fuel your success.
Spryfield Business Commission
We advocate for the interests of local businesses to build a stronger community.We advocate for the interests of local businesses to build a stronger community.