Serving Seniors Alliance
NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Not-For-Profit GroupsBUSINESS & PROF. SERVICES - Networking ServicesNOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Associations/Agencies
About Us
Serving Seniors Alliance Co-operative is known by families far and wide as a trusted resource for services and education to seniors in the greater Halifax area.
The Serving Seniors Alliance Co-operative was formed in the summer of 2005 by a group of service providers in response to an unmet need: we wanted to provide seniors and their families with a resource of trusted professionals - people who are dedicated to serving a unique and very specific sector - our Seniors.
Our Trusted Business Members are business professionals who meet periodically over breakfast to learn, inform, advise, refer, network and, above all, build trust. We are committed to one aim: to serving Seniors better. We help each other so we, in turn, can help others. Friends of Serving Seniors Members include charities, non-profits, community groups and program providers who directly serve Seniors.