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Apex Language and Career College
Private English Language InstitutePrivate English Language Institute
Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-official-language opportunities for young CanadiansCanadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-official-language opportunities for young Canadians
Get Coding
Software Development Coaching Program with 98% employment rate. Unique training model; students are coached by local software developers that help them build real life projects.Software Development Coaching Program with 98% employment rate. Unique training model; students are coached by local software developers that help them build real life projects.
Oxford International Halifax
From January 2023 East Coast Language College and East Coast International College will be rebranded as Oxford International Halifax and Oxford International College Halifax respectively.From January 2023 East Coast Language College and East Coast International College will be rebranded as Oxford International Halifax and Oxford International College Halifax respectively.
Sylvan Learning - Halifax
Supplemental Education/ Tutoring / Academic & Study Skills Building / Exam PREP / STEM Education / Workshops and Trainings / ProctoringSupplemental Education/ Tutoring / Academic & Study Skills Building / Exam PREP / STEM Education / Workshops and Trainings / Proctoring