Member Directory
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Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
Dunn & Associates Communications and Public Affairs Inc.
In good times and bad, we help you understand, engage + communicate with those who matter for a better, more-sustainable world.In good times and bad, we help you understand, engage + communicate with those who matter for a better, more-sustainable world.
Headquartered in Halifax with production activity in Ontario, Western Canada and beyond, Journeyman is a filmmaker-driven video content agency that builds compelling content for brands and companies.Headquartered in Halifax with production activity in Ontario, Western Canada and beyond, Journeyman is a filmmaker-driven video content agency that builds compelling content for brands and companies.
Kelly Clark Fotography
Specializing in Corporate Branding, Press, Industrial and location / studio portraits.Specializing in Corporate Branding, Press, Industrial and location / studio portraits.