Member Directory
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Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
Crestview Strategy
Crestview Strategy is a full-service public affairs agency with more than 110-plus professionals servicing clients of all sectors and sizes from across our global offices.Crestview Strategy is a full-service public affairs agency with more than 110-plus professionals servicing clients of all sectors and sizes from across our global offices.
Dunn & Associates Communications and Public Affairs Inc.
In good times and bad, we help you understand, engage + communicate with those who matter for a better, more-sustainable world.In good times and bad, we help you understand, engage + communicate with those who matter for a better, more-sustainable world.
Iris Communications
A leading independent strategic communications, government relations, and public advocacy firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia.A leading independent strategic communications, government relations, and public advocacy firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia.