Member Directory
Browse through our Member Directory to find local services for all your business needs. Some of our members offer exclusive member-to-member discounts available through our M2M Marketplace.
Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
Access Changes Everything Inc.
Access Changes Everything helps clients make the digital world more accessible for people with disabilities.Access Changes Everything helps clients make the digital world more accessible for people with disabilities.
Karen Dean Inc. & Fierce Publishing
Resilience Expert, Inspiring Speaker, Entrepreneur, Fierce Leader, Bestselling Author, Mentor, Mom, Survivor, Advocate, Limit-PusherResilience Expert, Inspiring Speaker, Entrepreneur, Fierce Leader, Bestselling Author, Mentor, Mom, Survivor, Advocate, Limit-Pusher
Organize Anything
Life's messy.Your home & work life doesn't have to be.
Realize your full potential.
Build your business.
Declutter your mind. And your spaces.
Life's messy.
Your home & work life doesn't have to be.
Realize your full potential.
Build your business.
Declutter your mind. And your spaces.
Simply Good Form Inc.
Simply Good Form Inc. empowers teams with bias-shifting diversity, equity and inclusion thought-leadership skills to become inclusion leaders in their industry. Workshops, Internal Audits, Consulting.Simply Good Form Inc. empowers teams with bias-shifting diversity, equity and inclusion thought-leadership skills to become inclusion leaders in their industry. Workshops, Internal Audits, Consulting.