Member Directory
Browse through our Member Directory to find local services for all your business needs. Some of our members offer exclusive member-to-member discounts available through our M2M Marketplace.
Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
Organize Anything
Life's messy.Your home & work life doesn't have to be.
Realize your full potential.
Build your business.
Declutter your mind. And your spaces.
Life's messy.
Your home & work life doesn't have to be.
Realize your full potential.
Build your business.
Declutter your mind. And your spaces.
Change Management - Adaptability Assessment & Coaching - Organizational Behaviour & Company CultureChange Management - Adaptability Assessment & Coaching - Organizational Behaviour & Company Culture
Athena Executive Education Inc.
Specialists in organizational health and executive development. We work with leaders and leadership teams to transform culture, create high-performing teams and develop core leadership skills.Specialists in organizational health and executive development. We work with leaders and leadership teams to transform culture, create high-performing teams and develop core leadership skills.