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Resource Opportunities Centre
A non-profit community development agency serving the Prospect Communities. Responsible for the Prospect Road Community Centre, the ROC is run by a volunteer board, with an Executive Director andA non-profit community development agency serving the Prospect Communities. Responsible for the Prospect Road Community Centre, the ROC is run by a volunteer board, with an Executive Director and
Souls Harbour Rescue Mission
Home for the homeless & Hope for the hopeless in Nova ScotiaHome for the homeless & Hope for the hopeless in Nova Scotia
Ward 5 Neighbourhood Centre
Non-profit, seniors, community services, north end HalifaxNon-profit, seniors, community services, north end Halifax
YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth
The YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth is a charity that ignites the potential in people, helping them grow, lead, and give back to their communities.The YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth is a charity that ignites the potential in people, helping them grow, lead, and give back to their communities.