M2M Marketplace

M2M Marketplace

Exclusive E-Waste Pickup Service. Free Yearlong Collection for Chamber Members!

Discover the optimal E-WASTE solution for your business or organization, without obligations or contracts. We assist in cost reduction and seamless management of your obsolete and surplus IT assets, ensuring data security, comprehensive reporting, and certificates for sustainability.

Special perks for Halifax Chamber of Commerce members hassle-free IT disposal.

Cyber Threat Assessment

The assessment covers three key areas: Security and Threat Prevention, User Activity and Productivity and Network Utilization and Performance. This process does not impact your network performance in any way. An appliance is installed behind your firewall by ABM for a period of seven to ten days and will monitor, track and assess the data traffic moving in and out of the network. ABM will provide your company with a detailed report to add to your security strategy portfolio.

Affordable Cybersecurity Solutions for Small & Medium Businesses