Events Calendar
Meet your Mayoral Candidates
It’s a big year in Halifax! After 12 years, our city is electing a new Mayor. With no clear front-runner (as reported by AllNovaScotia), the Halifax Chamber of Commerce is excited to host some top candidates for a deeper dive into the issues impacting our city.
This is your opportunity to hear from a few of HRM’s official mayoral candidates on topics like the affordability and housing crises, economic development, and the infrastructure needed to support our rapid population growth.
We surveyed our members between September 9th to 13th after the list of candidates was confirmed and asked who they would like to hear from. These are the top 5 candidates who were available. All candidates will be asked their opinions on critical issues, and while we couldn’t accommodate all 16 candidates for this live event, we will promote their answers to those questions for those that responded in the days to come. All candidates have also been invited to attend this event in person.
Presented by your
Meet the Candidates:
Candidates listed in alphabetical by last name
Andy Fillmore was the Member of Parliament for Halifax, from 2015 to 2024 and the first city planner elected to Canada’s House of Commons.
In his nine years as MP Andy has been a champion for issues around infrastructure and housing, science and research, national defence and shipbuilding, and the environment.
Before politics, Andy spent twenty years as a city planner and community builder in the private, public, and academic sectors, including as Halifax's first Manager of Urban Design where he lead the development of the city’s award-winning downtown plan. Work for which he was received a National Urban Leadership Award from the Canadian Urban Institute.
He attended Acadia University and holds graduate degrees from Dalhousie University and Harvard University.

Born in Halifax, Nolan spent his early years in Prospect, where, at the age of 10, he gained an appreciation for entrepreneurship through starting his own small business selling handmade toys at the Harbourview Market on weekends.
Moving to Spryfield in his teens, he continued on with his classmates from Prospect and graduated from Halifax West.
After graduation, he secured a full time day job as a Tire Technician in Cole Harbour and enrolled for night classes in the Automotive Service Technician Program at NSCC in Woodlawn. He, and (his now Fianceé. Megan, moved downtown, allowing her to more easily commute to her full time classes at St. Mary's where she completed her education and received a BA in Criminology.
He now resides in the Woodlawn area of Dartmouth, in the fixer upper home he and Megan secured a down payment for, and acquired last summer, along with two other family members, and works full time as an Apprentice Mechanic in Bayers Lake.
As the teen of a single mom, he learned first hand the struggles of being in a low income household, and needing to maintain a vehicle due to unreliable or non-existent transit service in the suburban areas. While living in Prospect, his mother introduced him to e-scooters at a young age, allowing him to get around in a timely manner before he was eligible to drive on his own. Even once he had his own car, and to this day, when the weather co-operates, he will still be found taking his bike to work, and would continue to do so as Mayor as well, despite living in a multi-car household. He knows first hand the issues with bike lane infrastructure in this city, and the reasons why most people are afraid to take their bikes on the road in Halifax.
Nolan approaches the campaign with a unique lens. He felt the struggle of living in an economically challenged home, to keep their heads above water in one of the most expensive cities in Canada. Personally, as well as professionally, he knows how costly car ownership can be, and is striving to make transit and active transportation a more viable option for those who live in the core, freeing up the roads for those who require a vehicle to get into the city.

A decorated Police Officer having spent 36 years serving in the Halifax Regional Police and retiring as a Staff Sergeant. Jim received recognition from the Solicitor General of Canada for Crime Prevention during his career as well.
Jim served in a variety of different roles, including Police Accountability, Hostage and Crisis Negotiation and Community Liaison and volunteering in various leadership roles in his community, sitting on the Chebucto Community Health Board and the Board for the Spryfield Boys and Girls Club and Halifax Police Boys and Girls Club.

Pam Lovelace is not a career politician. She’s a hard-working mom focused on building stronger neighborhoods where families can live, work, play and thrive. As a first generation Canadian, Pam has lived experience growing up in an immigrant home speaking two languages. No stranger to perseverance, Pam started her first job at a hotel in 1986 at age 13. By the time she turned 16 years old, Pam left school and home to work fulltime and live on her own terms. Pam is driven to create change, make independent decisions, and resolve challenges.
Pam has been a member of Regional Council since 2020, following a twenty-year career in communications and project management. She was appointed by Council as the 4th female Deputy Mayor of HRM, 2021-2022.
After graduating from Mount Saint Vincent University with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree and Certificate in Business Administration, she worked for CBC Maritimes in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick producing television and online programming. Pam has also worked in various communications and project management roles with federal, provincial, and municipal governments. Following her first run for Halifax Council in 2016, she completed a master’s degree in adult education and worked for Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Health and has also worked as an adjunct professor at Mount Saint Vincent University. Currently, Pam teaches Local Government at Dalhousie.
Pam has volunteered with many groups throughout Canada, including Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia, Women in Film & Television, Equal Voice Canada, Early Intervention, St Margaret’s Bay Food Bank, Air Cadets, Friends of Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes, Nova Scotia Resettlement Society, and many more.
She is the recipient of Volunteer of the Year awards from both Halifax and the Province of Nova Scotia, among other recognition, including the Canada 150 Sesquicentennial Pin and Minister of Veteran Affairs Commendation.
Councillor Pam has served with many national, regional and municipal committees, boards, and commissions including Canadian Urban Transit Association, Halifax Water, Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Environment and Climate Change Canada's Steering Committee for a National Interdisciplinary Urban Research Knowledge Mobilization Network, and more.
Pam is Halifax Council’s Liaison for the Acadian and Francophone Community in HRM. Pam lives in Hammonds Plains with her husband David and their children Ava and Callum.

Waye Mason is a community, entrepreneur and educator and municipal councillor. Re-elected to his third term as Councillor in 2020, he is known for his social media savvy and relentless constituency work.
Waye has grown businesses, led member organizations and developed the arts and culture sector in Nova Scotia for over two decades. His career in the music industry spanned artist development to live event production, and he has become a well-known business and strategic consultant both inside and outside the cultural sector.
Born and raised in Dartmouth, Waye lives in Halifax with his wife and two children.
Host Partners

Date and Time
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ADT
Thursday, September 26
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Members: $19.99
Future Members: $26.99
All prices subject to HST
Member Not-for-Profit / Student Discount available upon registration
Note: Payment is due upon purchase. 25% discount for Not-for-profit & student. All prices subject to HST
**Please note: your registration gives the Halifax Chamber of Commerce permission to use the photographs taken during the event for any legal use.
Contact Information
Cailin Winters, Event Coordinator
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