Member Directory
Browse through our Member Directory to find local services for all your business needs. Some of our members offer exclusive member-to-member discounts available through our M2M Marketplace.
Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
The Nook Expresso Bar and Lounge
Locally owned and operated. The Nook Espresso Bar and Lounge is a friendly neighbourhood espresso bar and lounge in North End Halifax. We are here to share our love for coffee, food, and social lubricLocally owned and operated. The Nook Espresso Bar and Lounge is a friendly neighbourhood espresso bar and lounge in North End Halifax. We are here to share our love for coffee, food, and social lubric
Nespresso Professional
Elevate your business coffee experience with our exceptional coffee solutions. Our machines deliver consistent, high-quality coffee with a touch of a button for businesses of all sizes.Elevate your business coffee experience with our exceptional coffee solutions. Our machines deliver consistent, high-quality coffee with a touch of a button for businesses of all sizes.