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B-Line is an AI-powered smart building platform that helps asset managers and employers automate digital access, amenity booking, space management, tenant experience and energy optimization.B-Line is an AI-powered smart building platform that helps asset managers and employers automate digital access, amenity booking, space management, tenant experience and energy optimization.
CacheFlo creates behaviour-based education and technology to help people simplify their finances. Our products leverage behavioural economics to make spending advice easy.CacheFlo creates behaviour-based education and technology to help people simplify their finances. Our products leverage behavioural economics to make spending advice easy.
Noftware Software Ltd.
Noftware Software is a software consulting firm specializing in system integrations and application development. Our mission is to provide customers with solutions to empower their business. A successNoftware Software is a software consulting firm specializing in system integrations and application development. Our mission is to provide customers with solutions to empower their business. A success
Software company building the future of television, entertainment and learning.Software company building the future of television, entertainment and learning.
Scotia AI
Content creation and email marketing for course creators, coaches, SaaS companies, and e-commerce businesses. Increase ROI by 40%+. Book your information session creation and email marketing for course creators, coaches, SaaS companies, and e-commerce businesses. Increase ROI by 40%+. Book your information session