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Patterson Law
Nova Scotia Lawyers who have provided the highest quality legal representation for over 95 years.Nova Scotia Lawyers who have provided the highest quality legal representation for over 95 years.
McInnes Cooper
McInnes Cooper is among the 25 largest business law firms in Canada. We serve clients across North America and abroad from six offices in Halifax, St. John’s, Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John, and ChaMcInnes Cooper is among the 25 largest business law firms in Canada. We serve clients across North America and abroad from six offices in Halifax, St. John’s, Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John, and Cha
BOYNECLARKE LLP | Full Service Law Firm | Atlantic CanadaBOYNECLARKE LLP | Full Service Law Firm | Atlantic Canada
Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc.
Labour, Employment, and Immigration LawyersLabour, Employment, and Immigration Lawyers