Events Calendar
561 Jobs: Increasing African Nova Scotian Employment Opportunities
?561 jobs - Increasing African nova Scotian employment opportunities? - A conversation about our current employment sector here in NS and the gap African Nova Scotians face within it.
Join us on December 9th to engage in a conversation about the current state of African Nova Scotian employment in Nova scotia, as we dive into a discussion about the current context of the employment sector related to the ANS Community and dissect the opportunity that lays within for employers. Learn how as an employer you can empower African Nova Scotian employees to bring their authentic self to the workplace as well as foster an environment that encourages personal growth, increased productivity, and inclusiveness!
Bradley Daye,
Placemaking 4G

Date and Time
Thursday Dec 9, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM AST
Thursday, December 9th
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Via Zoom