March of Dimes Canada
NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Charitable Organizations
About Us
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change so that the more than six million people living with disabilities across Canada can unlock the richness of their lives. We do that by providing programs and services that empower people living with disabilities to thrive in communities across the country. Our work is grounded in the voices of the people we serve, built on a foundation of service, and backed by a 70-year-plus history of success.
About March of Dimes Canada’s After Stroke Program
More than 89,000 strokes happen in Canada every year. That’s one stroke every six minutes. Numbers are rising, with 878,000 stroke survivors across the country needing your support. A stroke can be lifechanging, with profound impacts on the survivor, their caregivers, and the people closest to them. Navigating that is challenging, and no one should do it alone. That’s why After Stroke is there with the support, information, and resources that people need to thrive after stroke. Our goal is to support stroke survivors as they recover so they can live active, healthy and connected lives. Everyone deserves to thrive after stroke, and we’re here help make that possible. Our After Stroke coordinators work one-on-one with stroke survivors and their caregivers to understand what’s important to them and connect them with:
• A personalized recovery plan
• Emotional support and education
• Resources and services in their community
• A network of support to help navigate the journey ahead
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