Eastern Shore Family Resource Association
NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Community CentresNOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Associations/AgenciesNOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Not-For-Profit Groups
Monday to Friday 9 am to 3:00 pm
About Us
The Eastern Shore Family Resource Association is a non-profit organization that provides programs and services to families who live on the Eastern Shore. The Family Resource Association has been a part of the Eastern Shore community since 1994, and we now serve over 500 families every year in a variety of locations, from Lawrencetown / Lake Echo Ship Harbour. We are non-profit, charitable organization governed by an 8 member Policy Board. With the help of some Provincial Government, FLIEF and other small amounts of grant funding & community donations, we work with our Eastern Shore partners (which include local schools, health services providers, public library, literacy network etc.) to provide a range of quality, interactive programs & services (free of charge), to families across the Eastern Shore.