East Coast Mobile Medical Inc.


HEALTH CARE - Health Care Services, GeneralHEALTH CARE - Health and WellnessSAFETY & SECURITY - Occupational Health & Safety

About Us

ECMM is a national leader in occupational health, wellness and safety. We take great pride in our highly collaborative approach to designing health, safety and compliance programs tailored to the unique needs of your organization and people. What’s more, we conveniently provide these services on your terms – where you need them, when you need them.

Our 21 years in operation have allowed us to hone our skills, know our industry, and assemble a diligent team that works hard to provide you with the right service. Our professional and knowledgeable staff are always researching and delivering the most current solutions available and thrive on finding the best approach to tackling your company’s health and safety needs.

Rep/Contact Info

Cliff Langin

Printed courtesy of www.halifaxchamber.com – Contact the Halifax Chamber of Commerce for more information.
32 Akerley Blvd Suite 100, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1N1 – (902) 468-7111 – info@halifaxchamber.com